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I believe you can never do too much to make people feel loved.

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I understand myself well enough to know that I can’t live my life without having something to look forward to. I love being excited! I live for moments that feel refreshing and hopeful. And if there’s nothing beautiful around me, I’ll make it. That is how SophScript Co. came to life. 


The focus of my business is on my favorite kind of celebration: weddings. This is about more than just one day. I get to give you one of the very few tangible things that you will be able to take with you after the wedding is over. Every piece of calligraphy is a time capsule of who you were, what you loved, what you were excited about, the history of you. And as anniversaries or even generations pass, this heirloom only becomes more meaningful. I'd love to be the one to pen the start of it.

Queen of loving love, enneagram 4, seeing beauty where it can be

I can be bribed with just about any Sweetgreen salad.
I have two Ivy League degrees -- in biology and education.
I will watch any movie if it has: Denzel Washington, Julia Roberts, or Russell Crowe.
All the handwriting (and the leaf drawings) on this website really did come from my hands.



My clients are amazing people. You love unique designs. You have refined taste and love sharing beautiful experiences with your guests. You are bright, kind, and do not settle in any area of life.

I have the privilege of honoring, seeing, and celebrating you by learning about your amazing story and sourcing the best materials to create breathtaking designs that are unmistakably you. 



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SophScript Co. has always dedicated a portion of its proceeds toward demonstrations of love of others. We will continue to pair a love for weddings and celebrations with support for education and general well-being. 

In 2018 and 2019, when the focus of SophScript Co. was just painting designs on graduation caps, we gave 8 scholarships to college students in Nigeria to cover a full year of schooling through Temple of Deliverance Ministries International's network of churches in the US and Nigeria. 

In 2020, a promotional Christmas gift allowed us to donate to two Adopt-a-Classroom funds: COVID-19 relief for PPE for classrooms as well as a fund for Racial Equity in the Classroom.

In 2021, we donated to the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to provide warm clothing, blankets, and shelter for refugees in Afghanistan and around the world to survive winter.

SophScript Co. continues to be a proud member of the VOW for Girls network of wedding industry professionals that wants to be part of the solution to end child marriage in our lifetime.
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